The story of Opening Doors began in 1997, when Deacon Tim LoBianco, then with St. Patrick’s Church, answered an unexpected knock on his rectory door. A homeless woman had been found in Jackson Park with her dog. While the dog could find refuge at the local humane society, there was no safe place for the woman to turn.
This event sparked action. In the fall of 1997, Ann Michalski, a member of the Dubuque City Council, recognized the urgent need for emergency and transitional housing for women and children. Determined to make a change, Ann reached out to six Catholic women’s religious communities in the Dubuque area—Sinsinawa Dominicans, Sisters of the Presentation, Sisters of Charity-BVM, Sisters of Visitation, Dubuque Franciscans, and Sisters of Mercy-Farmington Hills.
Together, these women’s religious communities acknowledged the pressing need for such services and united their efforts. They committed seed funding to bring this vision to life, laying the foundation for what would become Opening Doors, a nonprofit dedicated to empowering women and children in need.