Community Education

Who are the homeless in our community?
How many people are homeless in the greater tri-state area?
What do Maria House, Teresa Shelter and Francis Apartments do to help them rebuild their lives?
What can you do to help the homeless?

Request Presentation

Opening Doors wants to educate our community about our mission.

Since 2000, Opening Doors has helped over 4,800 homeless women and children gain access to our programs and rebuild their lives.

Our Speaker’s Bureau is available to talk to your group, organization or business about the services that Opening Doors provides and how the community can help. Public awareness is an important step in fighting homelessness in the greater tri-state area.

If your business, club or organization is interested in a personal presentation regarding Opening Doors, please contact Natalie Finley, Development & Marketing Director at 563.582.7480, or email [email protected].